
Archery in the Schools is designed to teach Junior Olympic Archery Development style archery programs to 4th-12th grades as part of an in-school curriculum to improve educational performance and participation. Core content covers archery history, safety, technique, equipment, mental concentration and self-improvement. Before presenting the two-week archery course, teachers undergo a eight-hour National Archery in the Schools Program archery-training program. Students shoot at bulls-eye targets placed before an arrow-resistant net in their gymnasium. Equipment used is state-of-the art and designed to fit every student. Thanks to support from the archery industry, the $6,000 equipment “kits” can be purchased by schools for $3,000. The goal of this program is to provide participating students with the ingredients to become involved in a life skill that has no barriers. Unlike many school activities, students of all sizes can easily be involved in archery